

Balochi Translation



Herbs used in Medicine



Story a little hedgehog

Story of a little hedgehog

Exchanged the refrigerator for a hedgehog

Father was forty, sami was ten, Hedgehog was even younger. sami brought the hedgehog into the hat, ran to the sofa where father was lying with an open newspaper, and shouted, choking with joy:
- Father, look!
Father put the newspaper down and examined the hedgehog. The hedgehog was nosey and cute. Also, the father encouraged his son's love for animals. In addition, father himself loved animals.
- Nice hedgehog! - said the father. - Good! Where did you find it?
"A guy gave it to me in the yard," sami said.
- You gave it as a gift, then? - Father clarified.
"No, we exchanged," sami said. - He gave me a hedgehog, and I gave him a ticket.
- What other tickets?
"The lottery," sami said and dropped the hedgehog on the floor. - Father, we have to feed him...
- Wait with the milk! - Father said sternly. Where did you get the lottery ticket?
"I bought it," sami said.
- WHO?
- From an uncle on the street... He sold a lot of tickets. Thirty kopecks each... Oh Father, the hedgehog was crawling under the couch...
- Wait with your hedgehog! - said the father nervously and made Slavok sit next to him. - How did you give this guy your lottery ticket?... What if this ticket won something?
"He won," Slavok said without looking at the hedgehog.
- So, what does it mean that you won? - Father asked quietly, and his nose was covered with beads of sweat. - What did you win? - Fridge! - sami said and smiled.
- what happened?! - Father trembled somehow strangely. - Refrigerator?!.. What are you talking about?.. How do you know that?!
- How - From where? - sami was angry. - I checked it in the newspaper... found the first three numbers there... and the rest... and the series is the same!... I already know how to check, Father! I'm an adult!
- Adult?! Father laughed so hard that the hedgehog, who had crawled under the sofa, turned around in fear. - An adult?!.. Are you changing the refrigerator for a hedgehog?
"But I thought," said Slavok, fearfully, "I thought we already had a refrigerator, but we didn't have a hedgehog...
- Stop the nonsense! - Father shouted and jumped from the couch. - WHO?! Who is that guy?! Where is he?!
"He lives next door," sami said and began to cry. - Her name is Senia...
- let's go! - Father shouted again and grabbed the hedgehog with his bare hands. - Let's go quickly!!
"I won't go," cried Slavok. - I don't want a refrigerator, I want a hedgehog!
"Come on, you idiot," Father said nervously. - If I return the ticket, I'll buy you a hundred hedgehogs...
"No..." sami growled. - You can't buy it... Senka didn't want to change anyway, I barely understood it...
- Also, apparently, a thinker! - Father said sarcastically. - Well, hurry! ..
Sina was eight years old. He stood in the middle of the yard and looked in awe at the frightened father, who was carrying a slavok in one hand and a hedgehog in the other.
Where? - asked the father, close to Senya. - Where is the ticket? Criminal, take your fork and give me a ticket!
- I don't have a ticket! - Senia said and shivered.
- And where is he?! - shouted father. - What did you do with it, moneylender? What did you sell?
"I made a pigeon out of it," Senia whimpered and whispered.
- Do not cry! - Father said trying to calm down. - Don't cry boy... So you made a pigeon out of him. Where is this pigeon?... Where is he?
"He sat down on the edge..." Senia said.
- On which cornice?
- you go! - and Senia pointed to the cornice of the second floor.
Abba took off his coat and climbed the drain pipe. The children below watched him happily. The father lost his temper twice, but then at last he crawled to the cornice and took down the little yellow paper dove, which was already a little wet from the water. After landing on the ground and breathing heavily, Father opened the ticket and saw that it had been issued two years earlier.
- When did you buy it? - Father asked sami.
"Back in second grade," sami said.
- When did you check?
- Tomorrow.
"This is not the same edition..." Papa said wearily.
- so what? - sami said. - But all the numbers agree...
Father quietly moved aside and sat on a bench. His heart pounding wildly in his chest, orange circles swimming in front of his eyes... he lowered his head.
"Father," sami said quietly, moving closer to his father. - do not worry! Senka says he's still giving us the hedgehog...
- Thanks! - said the father. - Thank you, Senia... He got up and walked home.

He suddenly felt very sad. He realized he would never get back that happy time when, with a light heart, they exchanged the refrigerator for a hedgehog..

Story a little hedgehog

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