

Balochi Translation



Herbs used in Medicine





He got out from home to find his friends, after some time he met him and went ground to play, he became interested while playing at ground, although he didn't remember his home, he was jumping, running and shouting, he was happy, he didn't care religion and the world, he loved his friends, he wants to waste all time with his friends. When they tired and the game ended, the sun sated, a darkness was surrounding, his friends told him goodbye and went their home, he also departs for home, he was on the way, suddenly a vehicle stopped in front of him, two persons came down from vehicle, one of them target a pistol to him and another one put a blanket on him and pressed to put him in the vehicle, he was small in age, therefore there was no energy in his body to compete two persons. He shouted for help but they covered his mouth and eyes with bandages, he tried a lot of freedom, but he came failed, the vehicle departed, by the way they give him an injection for unconscious, after some time he became unconscious.
The vehicle departed to its destination, they put him on one corner of the seat and put blankets on him, if anyone doubt and ask about him then they have to say he is suffering and feeling cold, therefore they are taking him for treatment.
When the vehicle reached the destination and they get down from the vehicle and took him into a room, then they lay him one side of the room, that room there were many boys of the same age also presents there, and they were also taken like him.
When opened his eyes, he finds himself in a dark room, but there was little light in that room, therefore they could see each other. He wakes up and sit-down, he looked around himself and shouted that’ where I am? Why bring me here? What crime I did? For God sake please leave me, I want to go home, my mom his waiting for me, but there wasn't anyone to hear him, he shouted fast, he was crying and tears from his eyes were glowing.
At last a boy from that room came near him and sit, then put a hand on his head, then said, don’t cry my brother no one is here to listen to you, and no one is here to save you, I'm also son of someone same like you, these cruel brought me as they bring you.
He was listening and crying, after some time a man came and carried him out, they beat him so much he became unconscious.
They again bring him and lie down, the boy again came near him and said’ I told you, don’t cry, now look what the criminals did with you, same they did with us, God don’t do, they did with the enemy, we don’t know for which sin God giving us this kind of punishment, and what kind of sin we did, for that they give us this kind of cruelty.

Feeble voice

When he became conscious, then opened his eyes, test his body, but he felt pain from his body, he couldn't move, then in the feeble voice he said' Mother: please help me and then he loses his sense. After some time again, he became conscious, he wanted to sit up, but his whole body was paining and he felt thirsty, in feeble voice he called, water: please give me water I'm thirsty. The boy again stands up and took a glass of water and came near him, then said' please take a glass and drink water, but his hand wasn't working, then the boy touched the glass with his laps, he drank little bit water and again he loses his sense.
After some time, he opened his eyes with trouble and stands up, there was darkness in the room, some boys were lying around him, he felt hungry, but there weren’t any dishes, in front of him there was dropped a piece of bread, he felt that the people drop bread in this position in front of dogs.
One side the piece of bread and the other side the hunger, to end the hunger he took the piece of bread and shivered with fairness, his hands were shaking, under compulsion he took the bread and cut a little piece and start chewing the bread, when he finished then putting his head on the floor and slept again.
At home his mother was waiting for him, the dishes were ready, she was waiting for his son, when he comes then they eat together, but his son wasn't coming home, his mother starts crying, his father went to the ground, but didn't find him, then he went his friends home, friends said, when they finished playing, then he arrived at home, his father looked everywhere, but didn't find him, at the end father came home with empty hands.
The condition of his mother was weak for his child sadness, she was weeping very much.
A next day his father complained to the police station and submit FIR, he said to the police, that his son went playing on the ground, after that he didn't return back, the police consulted his father that they will search for his son as soon as possible.
When the child became fresh his condition was not good, his whole body was paining, he wanted to go to the toilet, he knocked the door, a man came and put bandages on his eyes and take it to the toilet, later on they bring him back into the room and put out the bandage, the child was feared and has not talked with anyone, his body was trembling, he was sad and looking here and there, but due to the darkness inside the room he cannot see anything.
After a week a man entered into that room and they switch on the light of the room, the face of the man was covered by a handkerchief, only his eyes were being seen, he was having a gun on his shoulder, his eyes were red and he was in the hurry, due to this he stands and start speech:
My friends:
You are the struggle of the God, you must have martyred for the God, you are the kings of the paradise, we want at the universe, there should be the God laws, we want to clean the universe of the God from the unclean people, if anyone creates a problem for us, we will try to make a side, from our way, and if anyone of you couldn't obey us he will get that kind of punishment he never thought about that, now be prepared and wait for your number.
After that, they everyday prepare the children for suicide, if anyone denied he will be tortured and will get an injection, then he will be losing his mind, at least the tortured children give value to the death of the life and they understood that there isn’t anyone to protect them, therefore they think that from every day’s torture and that dark room the death his better and they became ready for the suicide.
One day its turn came and they put a bandage on his eyes, they took him in another room, then they put a suicide jacket on his body and put a handkerchief on his head, and make him sit in the vehicle, both sides of him there were sitting one man, one man was having a gun and another was having a pistol, vehicle departed and his eyes were bandaged.

End his life

By the way they have given a warning, if he shows his wisdom he will get that kind of punishment that he has never seen. He was sitting quietly, he was hating the people, he was thinking that he wants suicide himself in a vehicle, but he hasn't remote control in his hand therefore he can’t do that, he was thinking that as soon as possible he wants end his life, he wasn't having different where and when he will suicide. He wanted that many people must be in place of suicide, one side his body was trembling and other side his head was puzzling, his memory was not working, he was in hurry, that time vehicle stopped at one place, they open the back door from left side, clear bandage from his eyes and they bring him down and said him, look there are a lot of people go there, he was going fast to the crowed side, still he hasn't reached to the crowed, a police man tried to stop him but he didn't wanted to stop, police shouted that stop otherwise I will shoot you, the police man put out his gun and bullet it to him.
The people who were sitting in the vehicle they understood that the police has recognize him, they pushed the remote button and he has blasted, including police man some other people were also died and some people were became injured, after a while an ambulance came, they shifted the dead bodies and injured to the hospital, the police started investigation, headlines came a news, a suicide attacker blasted himself and took of many people.
Next day someone called from unknown place and took the responsibility and he said further there will be more this kind of attacks……………
The End.
Written by Shaikof Baloch

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