

Balochi Translation



Herbs used in Medicine



wise stories of wisdom

Wise stories of wisdom

10 signs that everything is good in your life:

(Even if you don't feel it)
1. You are fortunate to have a roof over your head.
2. You had lunch today.
3. You have a good heart.
4. You do not wish harm to others.
5. You have clean water.
6. There is someone who cares about you.
7. You know how to forgive.
8. You have clean clothes.
9. They trust you.
10. You are breathing!
Be grateful for the little things, as they are very important.

The Shoemaker's Court

One skillful artist created a picture and exhibited it to the audience. Many praised his new work. And only the shoemaker noticed a flaw in the painted sandal.
After listening to his comments, the artist immediately corrected the painting.
After this, the shoemaker became so proud that he began to say that the lower leg was drawn poorly, the knee, and in general the whole leg was drawn incorrectly...
And then the artist said:
- Let the shoemaker not judge above the shoes!
The same can be said to us when we undertake to judge what we understand very approximately.

if the rider had been happy

A beggar stood on the roadside begging. A passing horseman whipped the beggar on the face. The beggar looked at the retreating horseman and said: - Be happy. The horseman who saw these things asked: - Are you really that humble? "No," replied the beggar, "it's just that if the rider had been happy, he wouldn't have hit me in the face."

Paid with a glass of milk

The boy was hungry and tired.
He hasn't eaten for a long time... his head is dizzy...
The boy knocked on the door and asked for water.
But the woman came out with milk...!
And that glass gave him the power to live again!
He believed - there are benevolent people in the world!
The boy became a doctor and started serving people
One day he saw a woman in his hospital,
who once gave him milk,
seriously ill! He already knew this.
He needs surgery immediately!
! Using your full power!
The doctor saved the woman's life
Kindness survives and triumphs!
The doctor held a piece of paper to pay for it
"I will not cry" - he thought again!
But when the woman took the piece of paper, she couldn't believe her eyes!
He cried with joy!
The bill is paid! And with that the doctor added:
"Paid with a glass of milk!

O foolish river

A stream was flowing through the forest, praising itself: able, agile, swift, clear and transparent! He didn't want to merge into another stream, he thought himself strong and wanted to run away into the forest.
Suddenly he ran into the field, and there he became weak, not having enough strength, he spread out and disappeared. Somehow, emerging from some underground passages, full of filth, he reached a river and began to complain:
"If it were not for this dirty field, I myself would have become a river long ago!"
Hearing this, waves broke out in the river: "O foolish river, it is not the fault of the field that you have spread, penetrated into the earth and become so dirty, that pushes others, wants to become a river itself, it has no strength left. Stay."

5 virtues

A child sees his grandmother writing a letter and asks:
- Are you writing about me?
The grandmother stops writing, smiles and says to her grandson:
- You guessed it, I'm writing about you. But what is more important is not what I write, but what I write.
I want you to grow up to be like this pencil...
The child looks at the pencil curiously, but does not see anything special.
- It's just like all pencils!
-Everything is dependent on how you look at things . This pencil has five qualities that you need if you want to live your life in harmony with the rest of the world.
First, you may be a genius, but you should never forget the existence of a guiding hand. We call this hand the higher power. Trust this higher power and learn to feel it.
Second: I have to sharpen my pencil to write. This operation is a little painful for him, but the pencil writes more finely afterwards. So, learn to bear the pain, remember that it motivates you.
3rd: If you use a pencil/eraser, you can always erase/delete what you think is not good with an eraser.
Remember that correcting yourself isn't always a bad thing. This is often the only way to stay on track. Fourth: What matters in a pencil is not the wood or its shape, but the graphite inside. So, always think about what is happening inside you.
And finally, fifth: A pencil always leaves a mark. Likewise, you leave traces behind with your actions and therefore you think about every step..

The rich man and his son

One day a very rich man took his son on a trip across the country with the sole purpose of showing the boy what it means to live without money. He spent several days on the farm of a very poor family. On returning home, the father asked his son how the trip was.
"I like it, Father," the boy replied.
Have you seen how poor people can be? - Father asked a question.
- Oh yeah! - came the answer.
- What did you learn from our trip?
- Father asked again. And the son answered:
- I see that we have one dog, and they have four. We have a pond that goes right down to the middle of the garden, and they have a stream that never ends. In our garden, the lanterns shine abroad, And beside them, the stars shine at night. We have a terrace that goes to the front yard, and they have space that goes to the horizon. We have a small piece of land that we live on, and they have endless fields that cannot be overlooked. We buy food / vegitables and they grow their own. We have walls to protect our home, but they have friends. The boy's father froze in indifference.
Then the son added: "I realized how poor we really are."

Aquarium fish fell into the river

The aquarium fish fell into the river. The native fish surround her, wonder at her strange attire and ask how she lives at home.
- Fine! - Remembering the warm comfortable aquarium, the fish responded, shivering from the cold and complained: - One thing was bad: they only feed once a day!
- Well, it's easy for us! - The fish calmed him down. - Eat as much as you want! If, of course, you can... And ran everywhere in search of food.
The aquarium fish understood the meaning of his last words in the evening, when he faced half-starvation at night.

how can I forget you

Don't worry - you're with me...
In my thoughts and in my heart...
I consider you my other half...
You took up almost all the space in my destiny,
Now how can I... forget you?
From the pain of these long silent distances...
I will warm your soul with prayers...
Don't get angry... don't erase correspondence and memories...
It has a lot of warm words "I love ..."

the good that is given is returned

All the evils of man remain with him and the good that is given is returned.
A poor woman in India bakes a couple of flat breads every morning. He would leave one for the family, and give the other to a random passerby. The poor woman would leave the baked goods on the windowsill, and anyone could come and pick up the bread. Leaving the bread, the woman began to pray for her son, who had left his father's house in search of a new destination. This process continued for several months.
Soon he noticed that every morning a hunchbacked man came and took bread from the window. And then he would often say to himself:
"All the evil that you do stays with you forever, but the good comes back threefold," and he would go away. The woman did not listen to the kind words. Annoyed by the hunchback, the poor woman decided to teach him a lesson. He poured poison into the second loaf, wishing to get rid of the ungrateful guest forever. But as she began to carry the bread to the window, her hands began to tremble. She could not do so and threw the bread into the fire. She prepared a new roti and took it to the window. As usual, the hunchback came and said his word and went on his way.
Soon there was a knock at the woman's house and her son was standing at the door. The boy was very thin and dirty. He told his mother that he almost made it home, but was so tired that he collapsed from exhaustion. A passing hunchback took pity on him and gave him a flatbread, and this helped the boy reach home. Hearing this, the mother's heart trembled.
This parable is about goodness in which the laws of nature are clearly revealed. Those who do good always get good in return. And those who do evil are surrounded only by evil.

The perfect camel

The perfect camel. Virgo
Many years ago, four scientists traveled through the Kavir desert with a caravan. In the evening they all sat together around a big fire and started sharing their impressions. Everyone admired the camels. The unparalleled endurance, strength and inexplicable patience of camels was truly amazing.
"We all have a pen," said one. "Let's write or draw something in honor of the camel and glorify it." With these words, he took the scroll of parchment and went into the tent where the lamp was burning. A few minutes later he came out and showed his work to his friends. He pulled the camel while getting up after resting. The drawing was so good that the camel looked alive.
The other entered the tent and soon returned with a short business article on the advantages of camel caravans.
The third wrote a charming poem.
Finally the fourth went into the tent and told him not to disturb her. Several hours passed, the fire in the fire was long gone, and the friends were already asleep, and from the dimly lit tent the clatter of pens and monotonous singing were still heard. In vain the friends waited for their companion for three days. The tent hides him safely as the ground closes in behind Aladdin.
Finally, on the fifth day, the most industrious of all the hardworking people came out of the tent. Dark shadows covered his eyes, his cheeks were sunken, and his chin was covered with stubble. With a tired gait and a sour expression on his face, as if he had eaten a green lemon, he walked over to his friends and angrily threw a bunch of parchment scrolls onto the carpet in front of them. On the outside of the first scroll was written in full-width large letters: "The ideal camel, or the camel as it should be..."

Wise stories of wisdom

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