

Balochi Translation



Herbs used in Medicine



How to Build a Dictionary

How to Build a sample Dictionary application

How to Build a sample Dictionary application

C SHARP sample program

In this C SHARP sample program, you will learn to build a simple dictionary. The key terms are English words and each of English word is translated in to Balochi language when the word is selected from the list or when it is typed in to the search box. The word that is typed in the search textbox is searched through the list. If it is found, the word will be selected in the list and its translation will display in a right-hand rich text box.

Microsoft Access 2007 database

We use Microsoft Access 2007 database to store the English words and their translations. When the dictionary shape first loads, the English phrases might be retrieve from the database document and populated in to a listing box.
Build Simple dictionary
Now, you understand overall idea of project. Lets move to the interface design phase. To complete this phase you need to follow the steps below:

Visual studio 2008

-Open Visual Studio 2008 and create a new project by going to
 File menu-->select New and click on Project...
-The New Project dialogue opens.
-In the New Project dialogue, under Project Types select Visual C#, and select Windows Form Application under Tamplates. In the Name box type EnglishBalochiDictionary.
-You can click on Browser you select the area to keep your challenge files. .
-Click Ok. Then you'll see a default shape named Form1. .
-Right-Click on the form and select properties to display the properties window of the form.
-On the Property Manager tab. You will need to set the
 Text property to EngBalochi and the Name property to Dic. 
-Set the form Backcolor property to Inactivecaption.
--Set the form Backcolor property to Inactivecaption. -Set the shape FormBorderStyle belongings to FixedDialog to make the shape borders unresizable
-Expand the Toolbox at the left aspect to show a listing of Visual Basic controls and components.
-Drag and drop one ListBox on to the form.
Rename the listing container through putting its Name belongings to Lstterms. 
Drag and drop one Textbox at the shape above the listing box. 
Then drag and drop one RichTextbox to the right of the list box. You need to set the Name property of the textbox to Txtbox, and set the Name property of the rich text box to Txtresult. The fore shadeation of the wealthy textbox is ready to MenuHighlight through the use of the its Forecolor property. Its ReadOnly property is also set to True. This will not allow users to edit the text in the rich text box.
-To add a menu to the form, you need to drag and drop MenuScript from the Toolbox.
-Type &File in The Type Here box and in the next Type Here type &Help.
-Type &Close in to the Type Here box under the File menu and type &About... in to the Type Here box under the Help menu.
Now we end the interface layout of our easy dictionary. Then we can circulate to Create Database phase.

Create a Microsoft Access 2007 database

As you already knew, to store the English key terms and their EnglishBalochi translations, we need a Microsoft Access 2007 database. Now lets create a database called "data.accdb" in Microsoft Access 2007 and save it in the "bin/debug" directory of your project.
This database has one table called Tblterms that has only two fields--Enterm and Balochi.
The sample data is entered to each field as shown below:
After you create a database and enter some sample data, you can move to Create connection and populate data in the list phase.
The code below will help you to connect to the database file and retrieve data to put in the Lstterm listbox:
-Double-click on the form to open the code window
-You will see the code as shown below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace EnglishBalochiDictionary
    public partial class Dic : Form

        public Dic()
private void Dic_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
You need to add the statement Using System.Data.OleDb; to the Using group statements in the code above. So it will be come:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.OleDb;

namespace EnglishBalochiDictionary
    public partial class Dic : Form

        public Dic()
private void Dic_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
-Under the "public partial class Dic: Form" line type the following code:
         private OleDbConnection cn;
        private OleDbDataReader reader;
        private OleDbCommand com;
        private DataSet rs;
        private OleDbDataAdapter ad;
This code will declare
cn variable as the OleDbConnection class, 
reader variable as OleDbReader class, 
com variable as OleDbReader Class, 
rs variable as DatSet class, and 
ad as OleDbDataAdapter classs. 
These variables will be used to create their objects of their types.
-Create a method to connect with DataBae by typing the code as shown below:
private void Dic_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            rs = new data3DataSet();
            string constring = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=data3.mdb";
            cn = new OleDbConnection(constring);
            ad = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Tblterms ORDER By Enterm", cn);
            ad.Fill(rs, "Tblterms");
            com = new OleDbCommand("SELECT Enterm From Tblterms ORDER BY Enterm", cn);
            reader = com.ExecuteReader();
//clear list
            //Lstterms.DataSource = reader;

            //clear txtresult
            Txtresult.Text = "";

            while (reader.Read())
// list.Clear();
The code begins offevolved with the aid of using create a DataSet item to shop the desk were given from the database and a connection object to connect to the database file: to get database address to connect database follow the below steps
//connect to database
From Menu Click the Data then from submenu Click Add New Data Source
Menu-->Data --> Add New Data Source --> 
Dialogue window Data Source Configuration Wizard appeared
Select Database then click Next
Database --> Next
Appearing Add Connection, Choose New Connection
From Data Source select Microsoft Access Database File (OLE DB) and for Database file name area click Browse Button and then from Directory select Microsoft Access Database File that you are created before.
Click Test Connection Button.
Press Ok Button when you get information Test Connection succeeded.
Appearing connection string, click on (+) connection string, .
after that Copy and Past connection string
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\bin\Debug\data.accdb
rs = new DataSet();
            string constring = " Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=data.accdb";
            cn = new OleDbConnection(constring);

The Adapter item is created to get records from the Tblterms desk and
the records is stuffed to the DataSet item rs with the aid of using the use of the Fill() technique of the adapter:
ad = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Tblterms ORDER By Enterm", cn);
            ad.Fill(rs, "Tblterms");
To get data from the table and populate the list box the Command object com is also created
com = new OleDbCommand("SELECT Enterm From Tblterms ORDER BY Enterm", cn);
          reader = com.ExecuteReader();
//clear list

            //clear txtresult
            Txtresult.Text = "";

            while (reader.Read())
To make sure that the cursor is active in this box for text input the search text box is set the focus.
By placing the approach connection withinside the shape load event, the listing container Lstterms may be populated by the English words:
Now you have data filled in the list box Lstterms when the form loads. The subsequent section is to jot down a few C# code to create a conceivable seek textual content box.
To make the search box workable you need the following code that is applied to the TextChanged event of the text box:
private void TxtBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = Lstterms.FindString(this.TxtBox.Text);
                if(0 <= index)
                    Lstterms.SelectedIndex = index;
When a user kinds a phrase withinside the seek textual content container TxtBox, This phrase is used to evaluate with a phrase withinside the listing container. If the phrases are matched the phrase withinside the listing may be decided on and its translation will show withinside the wealthy textual content field Txtresult.
If the use chooses to pick out from the listing in place of typing in to the searchBox, you want some other piece of code implemented to the SelectedIndexChanged occasion of the listing box:
private void Lstterms_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
           DataRow dr;
            dr = rs.Tables[0].Rows[Lstterms.SelectedIndex];
            Txtresult.Clear();   //clear result
           Txtresult.Text = dr[1].ToString().Trim();
//If the user chooses to Click the list rather than typing in to the search box, you need another piece of code applied to the Lstterms_MouseDown event of the list box:
private void Lstterms_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            DataRow dr;
            dr = rs.Tables[0].Rows[Lstterms.SelectedIndex];
            Txtresult.Clear();   //clear result
            Txtresult.Text = dr[1].ToString().Trim();
            TxtBox.Text = dr[0].ToString().Trim();
Note: The DataRow dr is used to get data of a selected row of the table.

Make the form smarter

Now in case you maximize the form, the objects aren't clever sufficient to suit the form. What we need to speak on this web page is that will help you create a shape that its objects nevertheless live healthy with the shape while it's far resized for max state. To accomplish this task you need the following code that is applied to the Resize event of the form:
private void Dic_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) 
             if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized)
                 Lstterms.Height = this.Height;
                 Txtresult.Height = this.Height;
                 Txtresult.Width = this.Width;
Note: If you attempt to resize the shape and the code does not do its process you want to feature every other lineof code(as shown below) to the form load event:
private void Dic_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            this.Resize += new EventHandler(Dic_Resize);

 // list.Clear();
When the form loads many objects such as cn, rs, ad, com,and Reader, also are created withinside the software for makes use of and those items occupy areas in laptop memory. When the form is closed these objects should be released from the memory.
private void Dic_FormClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            cn = null;
            com = null;
            reader = null;
            ad = null;
            rs = null;
You also need to add code:
   this.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(Dic_FormClosed);
to the form load event to make Dic_FormClosed() method callable.
private void Dic_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            this.Resize += new EventHandler(Dic_Resize);
            this.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(Dic_FormClosed);

 // list.Clear();
Another thing we want to talk here is To allow the consumer near this system whilst his/her clicks at the Close sub menu object shape the File menu. This challenge may be performed truly via way of means of attaching the subsequent code to the pressing occasion of the Close sub menu item:
private void closeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Now, Run your program Build Dictionary.......

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